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Asia-Pacific Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Volume 2, No. 2, 2018, pp 1-8


A Study on the Distribution Ratio of Optimum Hot Water Heating Load Depending on the Solar-Powered Hot Water Supply System

    Doo-Sung Choi1, Hung-Chan Jeon2*, Paeg-Su Lim3
    1Department of Architectural Engineering, Chungwoon University, Incheon, Korea
    2SEED Environmental Consultant, Incheon, Korea
    *2[email protected]


    This study suggests the proper way to distribute the ratio of hot water heating load by analyzing characteristics of hot water supply usage in target facilities and considering installation charge in accordance with heat collection, facility efficiency and scale of the Solar hot water system, economic feasibility and time to value. If the distribution ratio of hot water heating load of the currently installed solar hot water system gets increased from minimum 10 percent to maximum 21 percent, we can expect that the time to value will be shortened from around 1 year to 3 years. Upon investigation on the extra generated water amount of the solar hot water system during summer season according to characteristics of hot water supply, if the amount of hot water supply in summer is lower than 80 percent of the amount in winter, it indicates that the extra water amount of the solar-powered hot water supply system is generated, as result of increased distribution ratio of solar domestic hot water. Whereas, if the amount of hot water supply in summer is similar as the amount in winter, the extra water amount of the solar-powered hot water supply system is not generated. Therefore, the amount of hot water supply in summer need to be minimized when the scale of the solar hot water supply system gets estimated. The result of analysis indicates that the solar-powered hot water supply system covers average 30L per day for one person from minimum 17L to maximum 47L in case of improving the scale of solar collectors, considering the demand share ratio of Optimum Hot Water Heating Load. Accordingly, changing the ratio of hot water amount, generated by currently installed solar-powered hot water supply systems, to 49 percent is more economically feasible and saving energy.


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